5 reasons why Mand Labs KIT-1 makes for a perfect gift for your child this holiday season

May 7, 2020



2020 has been a stressful year for almost everyone as the ongoing pandemic has taken a mental toll on parents and children alike. But it’s that time of the year again when festive spirit is rife with holiday shopping and you are actively looking for that one gift that will instantly light up your child’s face.

Unlike the previous years, this holiday season is different as we all look out for gifts from the comfort of our homes. The online space is filled with innumerable gift items, making it even more difficult for you to choose from. Even more so when it comes to science gifts for kids or educational toys that are fun with high-quotient learning value.

We know how strenuous it can get. So, to help and inspire you to get that gift that will not collect dust long after the holiday season is over, we bring you 5 different reasons why Mand Labs KIT-1 makes for a perfect gift for your little genius.


#1 Build and bond


Holidays are the best time to bond with your children. Whether you are reading together or helping them with some do-it-yourself (DIY) activities, creating those magical memories of bonding and building things will last you a lifetime.

Mand Labs KIT-1 was designed to build and bond with not only your children but also your family and friends. The things you can build with KIT-1 are limitless, as you are not just restricted to the projects in the electronic kit. You can use the kit’s components for ad-hoc explorations for your child’s science fair projects, science experiments or to enhance your home during the festive season.

To start with here’s a list of 5 cool projects that you can build with KIT-1 for Christmas with your children:

  • Alternate Switching of LEDs using Transistors: Two LEDs blink alternately and the best part is that you can make it go faster or slower
  • Touch-activated Switch: Place this circuit on the dinner table and ask everyone to hold hands in series to glow an LED (it feels like magic!)
  • Automatic Night Lamp: We love this project! LED automatically turns on in the dark and turns OFF in the light
  • Sequential glowing of LEDs: Using a screwdriver, you simply rotate a device called preset and see how different colored LEDs start lighting up in a sequence, one-color after the other
  • Series and Parallel Combination of LEDs: Connect multiple LEDs (red, green, blue, orange) in series and make them glow; connect a potentiometer to even control their intensities; and then connect a switch to make them go ON and OFF; most of our Christmas decorative lights are built upon simple concepts of series and parallel combinations


#2 Upgraded & improvised design


Yes, KIT-1 Version 3 is a much more improvised and refined model. Nothing has changed in terms of specifications and content, but the units made exclusively for Christmas are of upgraded quality.

For instance, with better German packaging material, the packaging box is much more finished, durable and sturdy. The plastic trays use a very high-grade quality material with better strength. Even when you throw the trays on the floor, they will not open because of better lock mechanism.

The books now use higher grade finished matte lamination paper with more visual appeal. We have replaced the older DC motor with a better performing one. We have upgraded a few components -- better battery connectors that snap together easily onto the battery, better battery holder made of ABS plastic in the premium edition, better motor fan that easily locks onto the DC motor.


#3 Special Christmas price


We don’t have any discounts running any time of the year, but our holiday season deal is a real steal for you right now. Our premium kits have run out of stock. But if you order KIT-1 (standard edition) before December 25th, 2020, 11.59 pm PST, you will be able to save big on your kit. Here’s how:

Standard Kit - $149, Christmas Special Price -$99

The Christmas special discount is available directly on our website.


#4 Delivery before December 25th

Before our standard kits get depleted and to avoid likely pandemic-related shipping delays, you can order early. Our kits will be shipped from our Cypress, TX, warehouse. We have partnered with FedEX to deliver your kit by FedEX Ground. Order today and get your kit delivered right to your doorstep before December 25th, 2020.


#5 Top media and educator recommends

Mand Labs Electronics Kit Review from Kenneth Hawthorn on Vimeo.

Our hard work is paying off. As we find mentions in top media, our focus is on improvising on our products with every batch. Find out what some top media say about us:

Tech Crunch


PC Mag




Big Think

Boeing Boing


The Maker Mom

Celebrate Women Today

Raising Lifelong Learners

Learn Electronics Product Review: Watch video

Aren’t these reasons good enough for you to gift KIT-1 to your little genius? Inspire your child to learn through play and a few years from now your kid will thank you for this gift of inspiration!

About Author
Urmila, who is a Big Data and STEM enthusiast, works as the head of communications with Mand Labs. She is a believer in transformation of life and career through STEM. She can be reached on Twitter @umarak

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